The Kangso

Ogyen Choling in the past observed many religious rituals, of which the two most important were the Kangso and the Tsechu. Today these two separate rituals have been clubbed together and are performed over three days every year in the 9th month of the Lunar calendar (sometime in October or November). Prayers are offered to all the deities of Ogyen Choling and all the flags on the rooftops are replaced. The big flag, Lhadar or the flag of the gods in front of the house is replaced. According to custom every household who had any association to the Ogyen Choling nagtshang participated in the flag hoisting ceremony. On the third day a procession of animals and warriors dressed in medieval war costumes go around the temple three times. After completing the three rounds the leader of the warriors performs a dance to subdue all the evil influences.

Photographic documentation of the festival over the years and generations is on display. The rituals are not open to tourists as we would like to preserve the essence and the religious significance of these prayer rituals for the worshippers and the devotees. See Publications.

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